LinGin seems to have worked the kinks out a least we go to the line on time and went around the right set of marks. (It's the little things really...)
We had a good start in 5-10 kts., coming across the line in clear air. A beat out to the channel markers and up around Greenbury Point found us in first place. Argo wasn't too far behind--looking really good considering they were double handing last night.
We popped the chute and held it (the chute) and our lead all the way to the finish line. Scott was smiling ear-to-ear with all that spinnaker flying time! Everyone did a great job and David spent a good amount of time on the strings. I think he's got the playing foreguy just about down. Better watch out, Scott!
We were excited to see Brian Palmer sneak by Argo at the finish. Way to go L'Esprit!